Added Hanzi Info dialog accessible from overflow menu or by long tap on single character headword.

For multi-character headwords, this dialog shows the headword using each of the installed fonts. By default, only the built-in kai-style font and the device font are shown. However, also imported fonts (Settings / Chinese Settings / Hanzi Font) are shown.

For single-character headwords, more details (from Unihan) are shown:

  • Radical (and alternative radical when relevant) and stroke counts (additional and total)
  • Most common pronunciation - tap to show Phonetic Info dialog (added in the v8.4 release)
  • Simplified and Traditional variants - tap to search for dictionary entries
  • Encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32) - just for geeks :)
  • Links to related websites: GlyphWiki, Unihan (, Compart (technical information about the unicode code point)

Other notes on this release:

  • Switched behavior of tap vs. long-tap when tapping on character in multi-character headword - this is actually how Hanping used to behave before version 8.0. However, on reflection I feel the old way was better because this is more consistent with other long-tap behavior (e.g. long tap on handwriting suggestions and in radical pane)
  • Improved handling when font does not support a Chinese character
  • Rearranged buttons in headword action bar so that adding notes is easier. Share button moved to overflow menu
  • Added Compart (character tech info) to External Links dialog
  • Bug fixes

Long-tap on single-character headword to bring up this dialog. Tap top-right icon to switch between Traditional & Simplified characters. For example, if you normally have Simplified-only characters showing, this is a great way to quickly see the Traditional form of a headword.

See how all the imported fonts display the headword. You can import your own fonts in Settings / Chinese Settings / Hanzi Font

Available from the Google Play Store.

Please contact us with your feedback.