Faster searching - improved Hanzi, Pinyin and English searches Minor bug fixes Available from the Google Play Store (Lite & Pro).
Faster searching - improved Hanzi, Pinyin and English searches Minor bug fixes Available from the Google Play Store (Lite & Pro).
Faster searching - improved Hanzi, Pinyin and English searches Minor bug fixes Available from the Google Play Store (Lite & Pro).
3.2.6 is a bug fix update because of a bug introduced in 3.
Action Bar UI goodness for both Search and Browse screens Search screen: Moved History/Starred/Lists tab bar to top of screen (which is more standard on Android) Search box now remains visible when switching between those tabs.
Tidied up icons with better support for both day and night modes Fixed headword tabs bug (only applicable if you have the ABC English-Chinese Dictionary installed) Other bug fixes Available from the Google Play Store (Lite & Pro).
When searching English AND you have ABC English-Chinese Dictionary (i.