Better phrase support - now you can star Chinese phrases (or any Chinese word even if it is not in the dictionary).
Better phrase support - now you can star Chinese phrases (or any Chinese word even if it is not in the dictionary).
Minor bug fixes regarding handling of corrupt database file Audio enhancements* * Hanping Pro now includes brand new audio files (provided by FlashDragon Publishing, LLC).
Fixed bug regarding list items not in dictionary. This bug appeared in 2.
Some minor widget enhancements - now you can force that the phonetics are never displayed in the widget.
Made some changes to the Word Details screen: Moved “External Websites” icon down to below entry description (now called “Links”) Added “Search” icon (also below description) allowing easy searches related to the currently displayed word.
This is a major update: Much better search results - search results are now shown dynamically which means as you scroll down, Hanping searches deeper into the dictionary to find more matches.