New Radicals lookup (access it through overflow menu at the top-right of the screen).
New Radicals lookup (access it through overflow menu at the top-right of the screen).
Minor bug fixes Available from the Google Play Store (Lite & Pro).
Faster searching - improved Hanzi, Pinyin and English searches Minor bug fixes Available from the Google Play Store (Lite & Pro).
Action Bar UI goodness for both Search and Browse screens Search screen: Moved History/Starred/Lists tab bar to top of screen (which is more standard on Android) Search box now remains visible when switching between those tabs.
Minor bug fixes for our new free dictionary app. Please don’t forget to leave a rating and/or comment, to help others find Hanping on the Play Store.
Now that we have recently released a brand new free version of Android’s most popular Chinese dictionary, the old free app has been renamed to Hanping Chinese Classic.