Hanping Pro Release Notes

Hanping Pro Release Notes 134
Hanping Lite Release Notes 68
Hanping Cantonese Release Notes 47
Hanping Camera Release Notes 25
Hanping Popup Release Notes 13

Hanping Chinese Dictionary (Free & Pro) 2.6.5 released!

October 08, 2011

Significant changes: Custom font support Improved dictionary entry formatting (Pro version only) Disabled word prediction when entering search term (now much better for entering Pinyin) Minor bug fixes You now have the possibility to use your own Chinese font instead of the one included by default on your Android device (and without the need to root your phone).

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 2.6.1 released!

June 21, 2011

Handwriting improvements including: Redesigned layout (replaced OK button with Back icon, shifted suggestions to top of screens like with normal IMEs) Fixed conflicts with some IMEs (e.

Hanping Chinese Dictionary Pro 2.6.0 released!

June 17, 2011

Added built-in handwriting recognition* Support for Move to SD** Minor bug fixes * Handwriting stroke data may be sent to a 3rd party server to improve recognition research.