EDIT: 31 March 2011 - First stable release of 2.5.0, today.
EDIT: 31 March 2011 - First stable release of 2.5.0, today.
Some bug fixes
Much better management of Faves/Starred words. Now, a “Starred” word corresponds one-to-one with whether the Star icon (second screen) is glowing.
Major improvements to homescreen widgets including: Each widget takes words (at random) from the configured word list Mini skip icon (top-right) allows you to skip to the next word Configurable update period (1, 4, 8, 24 hours, or no automatic update at all) Some bug fixes Try adding multiple widgets!
Performance bug fix for when decomposing long search strings (was very slow on pre-2.
Some speed improvements by no longer partially matching English when it is very short Now, before user ever specifies Pinyin or English, the searching will try to match Pinyin first.